A doctorate from a French university

A doctorate from a French university


There are many students who wish to do their post-graduation or doctorate in a foreign country. This is because there are some countries that are renowned for the quality of their education and the standards of their educational institutes. Completing a post-graduation or obtaining a doctorate from one of the top universities adds great prestige to a resume. Then there is the added advantage of being exposed to a foreign culture and learning about a new country. Many students settle down in these countries and take a job there.

One such country that attracts students from all over the world is France. This country has always been renowned for producing some of the finest thinkers and the brightest minds in the world. It also has some of the top ranked universities in the world. So what is it like doing a doctorate in one of the institutes?

A PhD course in this country can take anywhere from three to four years. Those who undertake these programs are not really considered students. They are looked upon as researchers who are embarking on their careers. There is a vast network of doctoral schools and research laboratories that are responsible for training these researchers. The students are guided by a supervisor who will take them through all the nuances of the course and also act as a guide for their thesis projects.

Those who study in this land are exposed to cultures from all over the world. They will see students from the neighbouring countries, but they will also be exposed to cultures from North Africa and Asia. Foreign students and local students are treated on par with each other, and no distinction is made between the two. French educational institutes tend to be highly specialised. So it is important to choose the college carefully before embarking on an exciting career.

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